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Accrington Public Library
Richard Adams
Miss William Adger
Thomas Admiral
James Affleck (2 titles)
Susan, Lady Allbutt
Thomas Clifford Allbutt
Samuel Allvey
Robert Allwood (3 titles)
Theodorus Janssonius van Almeloveen
Collegium Philosophicum Aloisianum
Biblioteca Classica Italiana Lettore Amere
Martin Amis
Sir Colin Anderson
Guy Andrewes
Donald Angus
Henry Charles Ansley
Provincia Italiana della Compagnia di Gesu - Fonde Libraria antica
Appleby Castle Library
Louis C. Asher
Herbert Henry Asquith
Roger Atcherley
HMS Atlas
Louis Auchincloss (2 titles)
Tennant's Auctioneers
St. Augustine College
The Prince and Princess Henri de la Tour d'Auvergne-Lauraguais (7 titles)
Mrs. Badily
George Baillee
J.B. Bailliere
D.C. Baker
James Baldwin
Henry Baldwyn
Gabriell Ball
Will Bancroft
The Literary Society in Barbados
Charles Barlow (7 titles)
C.E.B. Barnwell
T.H Barnwell
Sir Charles Cave, Baronet
John Bartlett
Robert Barton
John Baskett
Frances Bates
H. Batsford
Atwell Bayley
R Beadon
Isaac John Beazley
Zachary Beebell
James Beeston
The Belfast Library and Society for Promoting Knowledge (2 titles)
Robert Redman Belshaw (2 titles)
Radulph Bentley
A. Beresford
T.F. Bergin
A. Berkeley (2 titles)
Abel E. Berland (2 titles)
Thomas Billington
R.M. Binning
Library of the Birmingham Medical Institute (9 titles)
David Black
Robert Blake
Edmund Blunden
The Bolland Collection
Grant Bolton & Co
Henry Bonham
Violet Bonham Carter (2 titles)
Bonhams (2 titles)
Bosorne Books
Boston College Library
John Brace (2 titles)
Thomas Braddyll
Wilson Braddyll
Bradford City Libraries
Rev. Patrick Brady
Henry Fowler Broadwood
John Broadwood
Edmund W. Brookebank
William Brookesbanke
Ricard Broune
H.L. Brown
Heanary Brown
J.W. Bruce
John Wyndham Bruce
James Henderson Bryden
William Buijt
Henry Edward Bunbury
William Bunbury (2 titles)
Lord Burghe
G.A. Burnaby
Charles W. Burr M.D.
Arthur Bury
Ralph Butler
Thomas Byron
John Campbell
Richard Carl
Hugh Cecil
K.M. Chapman
R.W. Chapman (2 titles)
Richard Chenevix
Henry Chinn
Winston Churchill
Joannes Ciati
D. Ckeiten
George St. Clare
A. Clark
Thomas Cleghord
George Cleghorn (2 titles)
Thomas Clerk
Gaspard de Clermont
Lord Clinton
Henry Gore Clough
Cobnar Books
James Cockburn
Dix Codrington
William Codrington
Colby at the Navie Office
Robert Coleborne
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
James Edward Colleton
Mr. Collins
John Conant
T. Connolly (10 titles)
Abbe J.B. Conraud
Moncure D. Conway
John Conybeare
Thomas Corbett
Cortachy Castle
T.N. Courth
The Earls Cowper
J.S. Cox
James Stevens Cox
John Crane
Samuel Croker
Samuel Croker-King (2 titles)
D.W. Crompton
John Crosse
Henry Cunliffe
Henry Cunnington
William Currer
Curzon family
Edward Cutting
De Cuyrer
Barrick Dagwood
S.A. Dainsey
The Darwin-Wedgewood family
Edward Davenport (2 titles)
A.E.F. David
C.H. Davies
William Sutton and Rose Dawkins
James Dawson (2 titles)
The Earls of Derby
John Dermott
James Dickson
Thomas Disney (2 titles)
The Disney family
The Library at Ditton Park
Louisa Dod
Sir John Dodderidge
E. Dolben (2 titles)
The Viscounts Downe
William Downing (2 titles)
Bernhard Drumpft (3 titles)
Maria Ursula Drumpften (3 titles)
Milltown Park Jesuit Library, Dublin
William Dugdale
Rhyes Duncan
Charles Dundas
Matthew Dunlop
Charles Durant
Frater Joannes Franciscus Duval
Augustine Earle
Eaton and Son, Booksellers, Worcester
Charles l'Ecluse
James Eden
Sir W. Eden
Henry Thomas Ellicombe
William Elliot
R.H. Elliott
John Emington
Sir John Erskine of Balgownie
Eliza Evans
Eyre Evans
H. Evans
G. Evars
Cecil G.W. Eve
The Evelyn Library (2 titles)
J. Everitt
Ann Ewen
Eben Ewen
John Ewen
Mary Ewen
Mathew Ewen
Matthew Ewen
Thomas Eyre of Eyrecourt
Eyrecourt Library
J.A. Fabry
Margaret Farrer
M.A. Ziani de Ferranti
Washington Sewallis Earl Ferrers
M. Ffolkes
Sir William Ffolkes
The Right Honourable Basil Fielding, Earl of Denbigh
J.H. Firminger
Patrick Fitzpatrick
George Fleming
John Cha Fleur
William Flyan
M.H. Fortescue
Jos. Storis Foy
King Louis XV of France (35 titles)
Robert Francis
The Free Library of Philadelphia (15 titles)
Thomas Francis Fremantle (3 titles)
John Whipple Frothingham
John Hays Gardiner
Thomas Garth
Robert Gathorne-Hardy
James Gause
David Lloyd George
Provincia Romana Compagna Gesu
Petrus Gladbach
Thomas Glasier
J.R.W. Gleave
William Glover, Bailiff of Sandwich
Edmund Godfrey Godfrey-Faussett
Libreria A. Gomis
M. Gonse
Philipe Goodicil
George Gordon
John Gordon
Christopher Gordon-Craig
The Graduate College, Princeton University
John Grandorge
Col. F. Grant
A. Gray
Lord Gray
Robert Gray
Harold Greenhill
John Gretton
Joseph Grymonde
H. Gunther (3 titles)
Thomas Gyll
H.Y.J. (3 titles)
Anton II Fugger von Kirchberg und zu Wiessenborn und von Hainhofen
George Hakewill
Stephen Hales
Anna Hall
Edge Hall
G. Hall
Will Hall
Hall's Circulating Library (2 titles)
Robert Hamerling
J. Hamilton
The Library of the Dukes of Hamilton
Thomas Hammond
William Domville Handcock
James Hanson
Sir William Harbord
William Assheton Harbord
Thomas Hardy
Winston Hargreaves
Harington (2 titles)
Benedict Harjim
Edward Harrison
John Harrison
Margaret Harvie
Francis Hemming
James Henderson
Miss Elizabeth Hicks
Arthur F. Hill (2 titles)
George Hill
Richard Hinckley (2 titles)
Thomas Hinckley (2 titles)
James Hingston
Samuel Hinton
The Hirsel Library
John Hirst
The Historical Society
John Hodge
Hodgson & Co.
John Hogg
Edwin B. Holden
Mathew Hole
Samuel Hole
Samuel Holey
Thomas Holland
E. Holyoke
Edward Holyoke
Elizir Holyoke
Samuel Holyoke
J.B. Holzinger
The Earls of Home
Robert Henry Follett Houstoun
Francis Howard (3 titles)
John Howard
The Howell Family
Dr. Hume
Patrick Hume
Alexander Hume-Campbell
William Hunnick
Dr. J.R.S. Hunter
H.W. Hunter
J. Impey
Sir John Ingilby
C. Inglis (2 titles)
George Inlilsee
Library of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (186 titles)
Albert Jaberowsky
Arthur Jacob (23 titles)
Isaac Jacob
Charles Jacomb
Stephen Jakes
Walter Charles James, 1st Baron Northbourne
Ed Jeffreyes (2 titles)
Thomas Jepson
W.H.P. Jerry
The Jesuit order of the Province of Campania in Italy
Gaston Johnson
Dr. Jones
James Jones
Will Jorde
James Joseph, Count of Mahony
Elizabeth Joyes
Ben Juel-Jensen (2 titles)
Henry Home, Lord Kames
Bibliotheca Kammer
Lawrence Kansas
W.V. Kemp
T. and M. Kennard
William Kent
Lord W. Kerr
Thomas Kingston
Thomas Kirkham
Georg Kloss
A. I. and E. Knight
John Knight
Dr. & Mrs. H.R. Knohl (8 titles)
Viscounts Knutsford (4 titles)
Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Raymond l'Atrille
Philippe Labbe
David Lachman
William Lainchbury
Pierre Lambert
Chrétien [II] de Lamoignon
Chrétien-François [I] de Lamoignon
Chrétien-François [II] de Lamoignon
Chrétien-Guillaume de Lamoignon
Christopher Landin
The Law Society of the United Kingdom
Edward Arthur Lee
John Leigh
The Dukes of Leinster
Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard
Biblioteca Prov. Ven. Med. S. I. Letteraria
Betsey Levy
Baxter of Lewes
C.L. Lewes
George Lewis
Matthew Lewis
David Lhwyd
Pusey House Library
Wigan Free Public Library (10 titles)
Wilmington Institute Free Library
Wisconsin Consistory Library
J. Hinckley Lichfield (19 titles)
George Liebovitz (6 titles)
William Lilly
Dr. Lindsay
Max Lindsay
The Linnean Society of London
Pamela Lister
Llewelyn Lloyd
Richard Lloyd
Robert Lloyd
John McDowall of Logan
John E. Lon
Beeston Long
Earls of Lonsdale
William Lovatt
B.H. Blackwell Ltd.
William H. Lucas
William Lyall
John Johnstone, M.D.
J. Maber
The Library of the Earls of Macclesfield (3 titles)
Allan D. MacDonald
George MacDonald (2 titles)
D.G. Mackenzie (12 titles)
Samuel Madair
Jean-Patrice-Auguste Madden
Maggs Brothers (2 titles)
Paoli Magri
James Maidment
Fran: Mannock
John Markland Junior
Horatio Martelli
H. Bradley Martin
Sally Martin
R. Martyn
George William Mason
Richard Massy
C. Matthews
J. Maynard
Joseph Maynard
J.E.B. Mayor
Lynas McCulloch
K.B. McFailin
Allen McLarre
M.J. McManus (2 titles)
Rachel McMasters
Alex McNaghton (2 titles)
Richard Mead (5 titles)
John Medley
Jean-Gabriel Merigot
Philip Metcalfe, Esqr.
W. Middleton
The Jesuit Order of Milan
Henry Mills
Edward Minton
John Minton
Thomas Molyneux (3 titles)
Hamilton Montgomerie of Newton
Sir James Montgomery Baronet of Stanhope (2 titles)
George Moore
John Moore
Sir Thomas Charles Morgan
L. Morin
Richard Morphy
James Morray
Desmond Morris (2 titles)
Edward Morton
William Musgrave
John Myme
Dorothy Nan
Richard Nanney
Peter Needham
Mary Nevett
Richard Neville
Bernard Henry Newdigate
Henry Newman
Clement Newsam
Walter Noble
Eliza Noden
John Norden
L. Normandea
Roger North
Jeffrey Norton
W. di Nunti
R. Nyce
William O’Brien
John Ogle
Thomas Oldfeild
Richard Laurence Ollard
Sidney Leslie Ollard
Leo S. Olschki
The Ormsby-Gores and Barons Harlech of Brogyntyn (8 titles)
William Osborne
Edward Harley, 2nd Earl of Oxford
Warren Paget
Cornelius Paine
Parke-Bernet (2 titles)
Jerem: Parker (2 titles)
Elisabeth Parr
Samuel Parr
John Parsons (2 titles)
J. Pavington
Thomas Payne
William Paynter
Burton William Pearl
Johan Penington
John Pennington
Henry Pennyman
James Pennyman
Bernard Penrose
V. Perdonnet
Earl of Perth
Peterhouse Library, Cambridge
William Peters
G. Phippen
John Pine
Pineapple Research Institute of Hawaii
Richard Pococke
Giuseppe Poggi (2 titles)
Guido Angiolo Poggi (3 titles)
Billy Poltan
Antonia Suardi Ponti
Margaret Cavendish Bentinck, Duchess of Portland
The Dukes of Portland
James Backnell Praed
R. Pratt
Michael Prendergast
John Prideaux
Prize Binding
Public Library of Chicago
H. Purlewent (2 titles)
Bibliotheca Puseiana, Oxford University
Samuel Pye (3 titles)
Bernard Quaritch (3 titles)
Eric Quayle
George Radley
George Raleigh
Monastery of St. Augustine at Ramsgate (4 titles)
Jacob Christophor Ramspeck (2 titles)
John Ranson
Francis Raworth
L. Rawston
J. Roger Rees
W. Reid
Thomas Reily
William Augustus Render (4 titles)
A.M. Reynell
Suzanna Reynes
Co: Riccati
M.S.C. Richards
Richmond Public Library
E.P. Riddall
R.P. Riker
James Ritchie
Lord Rivers (5 titles)
Mary Robert
Eubule Roberts
Francis Robinson
George Thomas Robinson
Jos Robinson
Joshua Robinson
Robert Robinson
Rev. Nalle Rogers
George Roland
C. Rooke
Joannes Carolus Roppan
William Gordon Ross
Charles F. Roth
The Rothamstead Collection (4 titles)
Christopher Rowe (8 titles)
Royal College of Surgeons (7 titles)
The Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh
Robert Roystinor
Enrich and Desmond Rudolphus
J R Ruggles
John Ruggles
George Runciman
John Rushforth
Dr. Charles Cauldwell Ryrie
Robert Sadlyer
L. Sallee
William Salloch
Joseph C. Saltar
Nicholas Saunderson
Chas. J. Sawyer Ltd., Booksellers
Dorothy Scholes (3 titles)
Johann Henr. Schroder
Luigi Scigo
Dr. Robert Scott
Elizabeth Scott
W.E. Scudamore (2 titles)
William Selby
Giovanni Battista Selvatico
Roger Senhouse
H.D. Seymour
John Shalley
Patrick Shaw
Col. Sherbrooke
Walter T. Shirley Jr.
Norman Sievwright
Maria Sigismund
Luigi de Silva
William Simpson
Frederick W. Skiff (2 titles)
Edward Slater
J. Sloan
W. Sloane
E. Donald Smart
Francis Smith
James Smith
Sarah Smith
W.K. Smith
W.C.P. Smyly
Vivian de Sola Pinto
Henry March Gilbert and Son
J. Soulby, bookseller, Elverston
John Sparrow
Krown and Spellman
Bishop Spencer
J. Trevor Spencer
William Stancomb
Byron Starkey
Nathan Comfort Starr
Sir George Thomas Staunton
Robert Steele
Ambrose Stepheson
Robert Stewart
Edward Stratford
Thomas Streatfeild
S. Streeten
Frank S. Streeter
F.A. Sturge
Bibliotheca Publica Regia Stuttgartensis
Sudeley Castle, Gloucestershire
F. Fortescue Survile
J. Swainson
A.M. Tardif
Joseph Tasker
Arthur Taylor
James Taylor
John Thad
S. Thayer
Nesta Thomas
Rowley Thomas
John Thompson
Francis Thuany
John Thurbarne
Catherine Thurston
Peter Tibal
Ann Tolkinhorn
James Tolkinhorn
Erwin Tomash (2 titles)
Mr. Tombes
Ken Tomkinson
George Montgomery Traherne
Traquair House
Robert Trefusis
Robert Askew Tucker
Tr. Turner (2 titles)
Twickenham Public Libraries
Thomas Tyler
Richard Underwood
Unknown (176 titles)
E. Vane
Augustus Arthur VanSittart
G. Vas
John Peyto Verney, Lord Willoughby de Broke
Robert John Verney, Lord Willoughby de Broke
William Vernon
A.S. Vesen
Victoria Institute of the Worcester Public Library (2 titles)
Bibliotheca Sancti Crucis Augustae Vindel
Eugene Viollet-Le-Duc
Virtue Castle Library
Dr. Willughby Wade
James Foster Wadmore
Richard Waite
John Walcot
Sir John Walker
Richard Ward
Sir John Ward
Frank L. Warden
L.P. Warre
George J. Warren
Warrington Public Library
John Washington
Frances Wason
Archdeacon Watson
James C. Watts
John Howard Webb
E. Wendow
Graham A. Wenman
Were's Circulating Library
William Wesley & Son, Booksellers & Publishers
J. Weslye
Thomas Westwood
Thomas Wharton
William Whinynge
W. White
Detrech Whitehouse
James Wickeham
John Wigan
George Wilbraham
Newnes Wildcroft
R. Wilkinson (3 titles)
Theodore Williams
Thomas Winston
William Winter
William Wollascott
John Wood (2 titles)
John F. Woodbury (2 titles)
J.R. Worthington (6 titles)
Yankee Peddler Bookshop
Alexander Young
Ann Young
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