Tho. Dangerfield's answer to a certain scandalous lying pamphlet entituled, Malice defeated, or, The deliverance of Elizabeth Cellier together with some particular remarks made from her own words, an acknowledgment of matter of fact, and a short compendium of the principal transactions of her life and conversation / all which are wrote by the hand of Tho. Dangerfield
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Tho. Dangerfield's answer to a certain scandalous lying pamphlet entituled, Malice defeated, or, The deliverance of Elizabeth Cellier together with some particular remarks made from her own words, an acknowledgment of matter of fact, and a short compendium of the principal transactions of her life and conversation / all which are wrote by the hand of Tho. Dangerfield (a.k.a. Dangerfield's answer to a certain scandalous lying pamphlet)
By Thomas Dangerfield
To view the full details of Tho. Dangerfield's answer to a certain scandalous lying pamphlet entituled, Malice defeated, or, The deliverance of Elizabeth Cellier together with some particular remarks made from her own words, an acknowledgment of matter of fact, and a short compendium of the principal transactions of her life and conversation / all which are wrote by the hand of Tho. Dangerfield and our continuously-growing catalogue of over 1290 other titles, subscribe to Codex Rare Books today!
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