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The History of The Valorous and Witty Knight Errant, Don Quixote, Of the Mancha.

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The History of The Valorous and Witty Knight Errant, Don Quixote, Of the Mancha. (a.k.a. Don Quixote)

By Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

<span lang="EN-CA">“The first part of Don Quixote came out in 1605. What had begun as a simple satire on the tedious chivalric romances of the time broadened into a sweeping panorama of Spanish society; and it was this, the variety, the liveliness, and the gibes at the famous, wh…

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Early Modern17th CenturyLiteratureJacobean LiteratureSpanish OriginalEnglish Translation17th Century BindingThomas SheltonSpanish LiteratureNovels

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