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De Bello Belgico. The History of the Low-Countrey Warres.

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De Bello Belgico. The History of the Low-Countrey Warres.

By Famiano Strada

<span lang="EN-CA">OF FAMIANO STRADA</span><span lang="EN-CA">Famiano Strada (Rome, 1572 – Rome, June 9, 1649) was a Jesuit, historian and moralist. He taught rhetoric and Latin at the Collegio Romano of the Jesuits in Rome. His students were, amongst othe…

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Early Modern17th CenturyHistoryDutch War of IndependenceBelgiumDutch HistoryBelgian HistorySpanish EmpireHabsburg EmpireHapsburg EmpireThe NetherlandsLatin OriginalEnglish TranslationFirst Editions

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