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De Formato Foetu

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De Formato Foetu

By Adriaan van den Spiegel

‘De Formatu Foetu’ was edited by Spiegel's son-in-law Liberalis Crema, who illustrated it with nine copperplates purchased from Casserio's grandson; these plates, which depict the pregnant uterus, placenta and fetus, are among Odoardo Fialetti's most beautiful anatomical engravings. …

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Early Modern17th CenturyMedicineMedicalScienceScientific RevolutionSpiegeliusCasserioCasseriusAnatomyAnatomical AtlasGiulio CasseriMatthias MerianOdoardo FialettiJacob Christophor RamspeckFamous ProvenanceFabricius ab AquapendenteFabrizio d'AquapendentePediatric MedicinePediatryPediatricsPaediatryMatthaeus Merian

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